Category archives: News
Tèlèrama: Making-of d'une photo de une saisissante
- "Le cri" da "Télérama" : making-of d'une photo de une saisissante Un bateau isolé, une mer calme et la mort qui rôde… La photo d'Alfredo D'Amato, photographe italien, illustre la une de notre magazine cette semaine, consacrée au drame des migrants. Mais comment l'a-t-il prise ? Explic[...]
Sao Tome and Principe
- Straddling the equator in the gulf of Guinea lies the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe, the second smallest African nation and the smallest among Portuguese speaking countries. Previously uninhabited, it was discovered around 1470 by Portuguese navigators who immediately saw the [...]
'L'Esodo' - Fotoleggendo
- Nell’ambito di Fotoleggendo L’Esodo nasce dalla volontà della commissione scientifica del festival di creare un momento di riflessione sulla tragedia degli sbarchi e dell’immigrazione in Europa, un’emergenza che coinvolge tutta la comunità Europea di fronte a popolazioni in fuga da guerre e mise[...]
Mare Nostrum exhibition at X3 Gallery
- Nome latino per il Mar Mediterraneo – storico crocevia di commerci, culture e contaminazioni -, Mare Nostrum è la missione umanitaria di salvataggio dei migranti in mare attuata nel 2013 – conclusa, poi, nel novembre 2014 e sostituita dall’operazione Triton di Frontex – dalla Marina Militare itali[...]
Syrian refugees, Athens. Greece
- 'Life in exile has been harrowing for each of them. After fleeing Syria with the rest of their family in the summer of 2012, they turned to smugglers and made six perilous attempts to enter Greece, repeatedly risking their lives at sea and being turned back to Turkey. Fewaz and Malak fin[...]
Cabo Verde
- Today, Cape Verdeans identify more with their European heritage than with Africa because of the strong influence of Portuguese culture and language. Half of Cape Verde's population lives and works abroad, making which has further strengthened the bond with Europe rather than Africa. Cape Verde'[...]
Life on the Periphery on THE TELEGRAPH
- The photographs D’Amato made that winter are, in turn, animated and tender, belonging to a kind of photography made over the threshold, in every sense. As wood, rubber cable and waste was burned endlessly, thickening the air, he photographed fluently, to render both the stillness o[...]
Images of 'Rescue at sea' on Aljazeera
- This shipwreck, coupled with a similar tragedy off the island of Lampedusa on October 3, 2013, resulted in 366 deaths. In response, Italy launched Operation Mare Nostrum ("Our Sea" in Latin), in which the country's navy and coast guard rescue migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranea[...]
Mare Nostrum, Rescue at sea
- Like so many refugees before them, the desperate men, women and children at sea that day were lucky to have made it into Italian waters at all. Their 18-hour voyage on the Mediterranean was fraught with danger, and for hundreds just like them it had ended in disaster. Now, having been spotted by th[...]
A mother of two, forced into exile
- LAVRION CAMP, Greece — Jihan is one of millions who have fled the violence in Syria. A mother of two, forced into exile. Like many, she escaped with her husband and children to Turkey, where they boarded a boat and risked everything during a treacherous journey to safety. Unlike most, she is blind[...]
Mare Nostrum
- Si stima siano circa 500 i migranti e i rifugiati morti nel Mediterraneo dall’inizio del 2014, nonostante gli enormi sforzi sostenuti delle autorità italiane e dalla Marina Militare e l’aiuto costante prestato dalle imbarcazioni private. UNHCR ribadisce la necessità che i governi forniscano con [...]
Intervista per 'Punto di svista'
- Hai studiato in una scuola di fotografia in Inghilterra, e precisamente hai diretto i tuoi studi nei riguardi della fotografia documentaria. Ci puoi dire quanto i tuoi studi hanno contribuito allo sviluppo del tuo percorso fotografico? ' ...Ho iniziato da autodidatta, ma dopo un po’ di anni [...]